The Buhr Park Children's Wet Meadow is a group of wet meadow ecosystems in Ann Arbor's Buhr Park [map].
The concept of Wet Meadow has been germinating since 1996 when kids at Blossom Preschool asked their teacher why there were always big puddles in the park whenever it rained. Their teacher, Jeannine, told them, in nature, there would be a wetland here. The kids said "Let's build one here!"
The original meadow was planted in September, 1997, and the plants and their helpers have thrived and bloomed ever since. There is now a stormwater master plan for the park and seven distinct water retention areas including three wet meadows - all of which were planned and planted by volunteers.
To learn more, please contact us at info@wetmeadow.org.
Buhr Park in Southeast Ann Arbor, MI
Amenities and Stormwater Management
Learn more about the three Wetmeadows, the Food Forest, and the Spruce Hickory Grove.